When Can I Transition My Player to Valpo Soccer?
The answer is easy: Anytime!
Valpo Soccer Club welcomes any and all skill levels for its players. The benefit for your child and their growth within the sport is the access to trainers and knowleageble coaching staff and its more seasoned players. if you are not certain where your child will best benefit here are some guidelines to help you make your decision. No matter what level you start your child in there is always opportunity to develop and learn within Valpo Soccer Club's curriculum.
Exploratory Level – Under 8 Years Players
Exploratory Level Players are young players that are typically a recreation level just starting to explore the game. Exploratory Level Players are new to learning the elements of soccer and are quick to pick up a ball and try new things with it.
To the best extent possible, the Exploratory Level Players are:
- Coaches are encouraged to develop a love for the ball during Practice and Games
- Shouldn't be restricted to positions but encouraged to explore the game
Academy Level – Under 10 Years Players
Academy Level Players are young players that are typically a step above a recreation level with either natural talent, passion for the game, or accelerated athleticism. Academy Level Players are new to learning the tactical and technical elements of soccer and are quick to pick up a ball and try new things with it.
Beginner Players - Under 12 through Under 19 Players
Beginner Level Players are new and continuing players who love the game who are continuing to develop. Beginner Level Players typically have other additional extracurricular activities they participate in and are on the brink of developing to play on a Select team.
Beginner Level Players are coached by Volunteer Coaches, and their teams are generally placed within the ‘lower-tier’ of NWISL ranging from the Green through Purple NWISL Divisions.
Developing Players - Under 10 through Under 19 Players
Developing Level Players are our next Advanced Players. They are developing towards playing at an Select level and are focusing on some key development pieces to play at an Select level. Select players typically have time for other extracurricular activities but soccer is top priority.
Developing Level Players are coached by Volunteer Coaches and their teams are generally placed within ‘mid-tier’ or higher divisions of NWISL ranging from the Red, White, and Blue..or higher Bronze, Silver, and Gold.