1. Sign Up as a Coach on ValpoSoccer.org
2. Complete and Return Coaching Agreements
Coaches Code of Conduct
Coaches Policy Acknowledgement
SAY Soccer Background Check
3. Complete/Review the USSF Introduction to Grass Roots Coaching US Soccer Coaching Center
4. Complete/Review the USSF Grade 8 Referee Coaches Training Course/Videos US Soccer Laws of the Game
5. Take the following US Youth Soccer Courses and Forward Certificate(s)
-Heads Up: Concussion in Sports Intro Course (mandatory) https://www.cdc.gov/headsup/youthsports/training/index.html
-Parents Guide and Introduction to Youth Soccer https://www.usyouthsoccer.org/parent-resources/
-Constructive Soccer - Principles of Play Clinic https://www.usyouthsoccer.org/coaching-resources/
6. Determine Your Practice Location and Notify Club of Your Practice Location
-For VSC Properties - Fill out a VCS Facilities Use Request Form
-For Non-VSC Properties - You will need to Provide an Insurance Certificate
NWISL Insurance Certificate
7. Learn the Applicable Laws
NWISL (Rec+)
SAY Soccer Laws
Modified U8 Laws
Modified U10 Laws
Modified U12 Laws
Modified U14 Laws
Modified NWISL Tournament Laws
8. Setup your Team Schedule on Dicks Game Changer
-All Communication should go through the Dick's Game Changer app gc.com
9. Contact your Team